When will my photos be online to view?
We usually aim to have the photos online as quickly as possible. For nusreries this is usually by the following Monday of any nursery visit however, schools maybe longer as they typically have more children. Schools can take up to two weeks (usually we only need 1). If you register your email against your childs gallery, you will receive an email as soon as they get uploaded. For larger nurseries this may be longer.
How much are the photos?
We have a range of packages starting from £13.90 depending on what you wish to purchase. All prices are displayed online in your child’s gallery
Can my discount code be extended?
Unfortunately as this discount code is linked to the nursery/school we can not extend single codes.
When will I receive my order?
Digital downloads are instant. Batch shipping to the nursery/school can take up to 2-3 weeks after it has been sent to the lab (the order deadline). Direct shipping will be sent to the lab immediately and can take up to 2-3 weeks to deliver to your home address.
Can I use the digitals for my own printing?
Absolutely. When you buy the digitals this means you have printing rights to print as many times as you want.

Please reach us using the form below or by emailing if you have any questions at all.