What Information is being collected?
Upon booking we collect your name, school/nursery name, email, school/nursery address and telephone number. We may also ask additional questions to help us with your photoshoot/enquiry. After booking there will be a questionnaire sent out so we can find out more information regarding the upcoming photoshoot. We will ask any information we feel is relevant to the photoshoot.
1 month prior to photoshoot day we ask for a list of children names (first name and surname) along with their class/group so we can create unique QR codes for each child
Who is collecting it?
Cotton Socks Photography Ltd
How is it being collected?
We receive enquiries via email, social media, in person, over the phone, etc. We will take a few basic details upon enquiry and will require further company details upon booking. Your data is held on a CRM system which will actively send out email notifications of payment reminders, questionnaires, contract, invoices and emails that are relevant to the active job. This software is here to help Cotton Socks Photography run the business and make sure you are fully informed of anything relating to your photoshoot. Should we need to write any personal information on paper we keep it locked away in the studio office or an an encrypted hard drive. This hard drive will include childrens names list which we require to do the job. Any data that are sent to editors/uploaded online, etc are done so using password protected methods.
Why is it being collected and how will it be used?
Your data is collected simply so Cotton Socks Photography can complete the job in the most seemless way. We will aim to hold your company data indefinitely, for communications purposes. For child data such as photographs, names list will be deleted for after 6 months.
Who parent data be used?
We use an online system to upload and sell the photographs to parents. Parents have the option of registering their contact details with us via their unique reference number for their child. We use this information to update them about deadlines for free shipping, voucher coupons, deletion of photo deadlines, mop up days and general communications that we feel is neccessary to them.
Who will it be shared with?
Company staff have access to information relevant to their job roles. IT systems and lab providers will be sent your details in order to print and deliver products to you.
Please reach us using the form below or by emailing if you have any questions at all.